The first session of the Imamate Stage, the Institute for Training Imams, and the sixth phase of Arabic language training at the Institute for Training Imams of this ministry took place today

Mon, Jan 08 2024 11:24 AM
تدریب ائمه

At the event, attended by respected media, the following individuals shared their insights and addressed the audience: Sheikh Mawlavi Noor Mohammad Saqib, Minister of MOHIA Mawlavi Neda Mohammad Nadim, Minister of Higher Education; and Mawlavi Mohammad Aman Obeid, the governor of Kabul, among others.
The event began with the recitation of Quranic verses, followed by an inaugural speech by Mawlavi Mohammad Ashraf Haqani, who announced that 47 individuals completed the Imamate Stage, while 80 completed the Arabic language training program, with a total of 27 graduates.
"Then Deputy Mysticism and Regulation of Religious places emphasized the importance of the Arabic language, stating that learning Arabic is significant for Muslims because the Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic. Mr. Mansour added that all sciences existing in the world are expressed in the Holy Quran, and both we and you should strive to act according to the teachings of the Holy Quran.

Later, Sheikh-ul-Hadith, Dr. Moulavi Noor Mohammad Saqib, the Minister of MOHIA , spoke, mentioning that today's gathering marks the occasion of the first Imamate Stage, the sixth phase of Arabic language training, and the concluding event of the competition on the Prophet's biography. He addressed the esteemed imams and students of this institute, emphasizing their readiness to provide religious services to the Muslim people of Afghanistan. He added that the position of imamate in Islam is lofty and significant, hence an Imam must possess the conditions and regulations of imamate. An Imam must be a knowledgeable and prudent person, as they play a significant role in reforming society. The Ministry of MOHIA seeks to enhance the capacity of imams through the Imamate Stage.
Furthermore, with regards to the Friday sermon, it was mentioned that the Friday sermon is elaborately prepared according to all the principles of Islam, and mosque imams are responsible for delivering it with references to the blessed verses of the Holy Quran and the sayings of the Prophet. Similarly, Moulavi Mohammad Aman Obaid Wali Kabuli spoke extensively about the position of scholars.
Later, Sheikh-ul-Hadith Moulavi Ismail Rahmani, responsible for the Jihad School in Kabul, commented on the position of knowledge and had detailed discussions on the Prophet's biography.
Then, Moulavi Neda Mohammad Nadim, the Minister of Higher Education, considered the acquisition of knowledge, especially in the context of Imamate and the Arabic language, to be important and elaborated on it.
In conclusion, the Minister of  MOHIA awarded certificates and cash prizes to the graduates of the Imamate Stage and Training of Imams, as well as to the participants who excelled in the competition on the Prophet's biography

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