Minister of MOHIA, accompanied by his delegation, continued their trip to Uzbekistan and, during their meeting with the authorities of Samarkand, visited the Islamic centers there

Tuesday, 8th of Ramadan al-Mubarak, 1445 AH, corresponding to 28th of Hoot, 1402 SH
Sheikh al-Hadith, Dr. Moulavi Noor Mohammad Saqib, Minister of MOHIA, during their continued trip to Uzbekistan, was warmly welcomed in the city of Samarkand by the officials of the province, the mayor, and the grand mufti of the Samarkand province. Then, at their residence, they discussed bilateral relations and cooperation between scholars of the two countries (Afghanistan and Uzbekistan), exchanged experiences regarding training of mosque imams and enhancing the quality of teaching in schools. Afterwards, they visited the mausoleum of Imam Bukhari (may Allah have mercy on him), the educational and research center for the Prophetic narrations, especially the noble Bukhari, located near his grave. They visited the Institute of Prophetic Narrations and Religious Sciences and its academic departments, the mausoleum of Qasim ibn Abbas (may Allah have mercy on him), known as the mausoleum of Shah Zindeh, the mausoleum of Abu Mansur Muhammad Matridi, the Registan complex which includes three schools (Tilavat-Qari School, Ghaybi School, and Shir-dar School), the Ghaybi observatory, and its exhibition hall, the mausoleum of Burhan al-Din Bukhari Marqinani, and Khwaja Nasir al-Din Ubaidullah Harawi.
Observatory of Ulugh Beg: This observatory, according to many experts, is considered one of the best observatories in the Islamic world and the largest observatory in Central Asia. Prominent astronomers of its time, including Qazi-zadeh Rumi, Ghiasuddin Jamshid Kashani, and Ali Qushchi, conducted research at this observatory